Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Who Said That?

Okay to set the record straight no matter what the other little hatters say I am not the only one in the company who is quick to give things away. One of my more "brilliant" campaigns to give first time buyers 50% off their first online orders "halfoffhat" has actually been a great thing to jumpstart our newly launched website I took a lot of heat in good fun of course but it has proven to be effective. We've had a great percentage of customers reorder after they received their initial 50% online savings. (halfoffhat)
Since we let go of our bricks and mortar I have seen some sparks of giving coming from unpredictable places and it makes me very happy! Of course your aunt from down south should absolutely not pay for her hat! I would be embarrased. And when the moment tells you to give a hat to someone in need who normally wouldn't need a hat- DO IT!! We've been given so many huge gifts since we opened our doors it is so important that we always remember to pay it forward. The most common question I hear "Are we making money?"
I know better than anyone the definition of a cash flow statement and how when followed it is simple to make money. I also know that life is not always about the money and eventually with hard work and faith it will come back to you when you least expect it. For now we are so thankful for our daily orders and knowing that our hat business is still growing. It is growing because you are helping us spread the word. It is you who is remembering our name when someone talks about a baby shower they are going to and it is you who is willing to spend more than $8.00 on a beach hat for your child knowing that it was made in our country, perhaps even your state and town. (South Berwick, Maine)
Recently someone was so generous and took our hats and hand delivered them to Selma Hayek and her daughter. She watched as Selma tried them on her daughter and she was gracious enough to let us know that Selma said she "loved them". We've come so far in three years and through so many challenges but I know in my heart that The Little Hat Company is not finished and has a long path in front of it. I know that we have the most amazing group of people and talent (Hanna Bulger, Good Girl Graphics) working with all of us little hatters that no matter what the outcome we have already succeeded in business. We are doing what we love, with people we love, and producing an amazing line of sun hats and winter hats in the United States of America!
So...if anyone you know is looking for a hat for any age or season please let them know about our Company and that you have a secret for them. Order your first hat online and receive 50% off when you use the online coupon code "halfoffhat". We are so thankful for all of your thoughts and help and literally say thank you for each order we receive.
I came home to this email tonight -"We say it out loud...believe that it will happen...get excited about it...and voila! I LOVE LITTLE HAT!!!

Did I mention that I'm STILL IN? "
How could I ever want to work someplace else! To my most favorite peeps thank you for sharing the same dream with day it will pay off and I will be there to present the BIG HUGE OVERSIZED check to you! NO laughing or crying and absolutely no touching me!! You all deserve to have the Big World at your feet and I hope to help get it there for you.

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