Thursday, June 25, 2009

If you can't work with your friends then why work?

Have you ever noticed that when you get a group of friends together and you take on a task it never ends up seeming like work?
When I started Little Hat it was me. Very lonely at first and then my sister and mom would jump in and help when I got large orders or needed to have the kids somewhere. Then there came Sue and shortly after Barb. I really didn't know either of them from a hole in the wall other than they had girls in Anna's class with Mrs. Sullivan. (love her) Then came lots of people in and out of Little Hat I am very thankful for all they contributed to the company. Then Somehow Kim, Deb, and Cathie came in all at once followed by Woz and Amy. They became our main stitching team well with the exception of Woz, but now Woz cuts and does just about everything when needed. She is the hole filler for Little Hat. Then some more special people that we loved and had a great time with and then when we weren't hiring someone for the store (sales were starting to dry up) in walks Emma.
All of this to say that these people have pretty much changed my life forever for the better and I honestly can't imagine my life without them. I would give up Little Hat in a second before I gave up any of my new hatter friendships. We laugh together till we pee our pants, we cry together when one of us is hurt, and we laugh at each other when someone needs a reality check -"it's usually me". We dig down deep together when we hit rough patches with the business and believe me there have been some doozies and then we clink our glasses and toast the good times, usually at Deb's house. Frank is by far the best wine steward in South Berwick. Everyone toasts except Emma of course.
Tonight when I need a gut check I picked up the phone and called two little hatters, when I received some great news about the business I picked up the phone and called little hatters. I know I might be exaggerating what these girls mean to me but I have to tell you that I came to Little Hat from a place of being a "loner". I'm not usually a joiner and don't often like large groups. I used to feel vulnerable around women who knew to much about I feel blessed. So my advice to you is find the people you can laugh, cry, and be yourself with and then either start a business with these peeps or make sure you apply where they are working.
You can't even imagine how productive you can be when you are around people you like and especially when they like you back. Life is too short not to dream big and dream things that work for your favor. You don't have to exist in an office where you just don't click, no matter how much money you make. I was there and it was nauseating. If it hadn't been though I never would have been motivated to start my own business.

Life is funny when you stop thinking about it and live it. Thank you for reading my thoughts and thank you for buying hats from The Little Hatters. And one special note to a dear friend I stopped by and saw know you were truly meant to be friends when you can reconnect in an instance. I LOVE your hair by the way and I'm so very proud of how you are growing your business and creating your very own legacy for your children. Namaste my friend!!

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